Currently worldwide, nothing is universally uniting than the concerted effort to fight the spread of the novel Coronavirus and I bet if there was a proven way to combat the infections and deadly virus, most, if not all governments in the world will want to implement such a strategy.
Then it follows that most believers believe that Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit is the answer to all problems and any help can be availed by simply praying.
But why don’t players work when they are needed most, especially during this times of a deadly pandemic? Why can’t people go to churches and simply pray all day all night and the so called God will answer their problems and stop Coronavirus???
Well, it depends whether there is actually God if at all. Coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is a viral respiratory germs that are spread via the introduction of the pathogens to a human’s respiratory system whereby they reproduce and multiply. The disease affects the alveoli in the lungs and eventually fills the lungs with fluid, a condition called pneumonia. Since the lungs are filled with fluid, they are unable to give your body oxygen and hence the patient suffocates and dies.
Gathering in churches, mosques, synagogues and temples has been banned worldwide so as to prevent mass transmission of the disease. But nothing is more confusing than the sense that the bible preaches and promises healing of the sick via prayer. Pastors and priests all over the world claim the ability to cure the sick and remove pain and suffering.
Yet during this time of need, they are nowhere to be seen with the carnage and death of nearly 3,000 people per day in the United States, you will think that the services of these priests and pastors will come in hand at the current Coronavirus epicenter of the world. But why is Religion important to society if it cannot solve any issue?
Why is Religion Important to society?
So people do not believe religion plays a vital role in society. Below, I highlight the reasons to as why:

Inherited Lies
Religion is inherited falsehood taught to children by their parents. Most adults who follow a specific religion learned it from family members and comply with those religious teachings because they were taught while growing up. Very few people switch into another religion at adulthood and will pass on their false beliefs to their offspring later in life. The notion that praying will solve your problems is a lie that most people are afraid to challenge.
Consider this: If merely speaking to an invisible being fixes your problems, then it means there is no need to go to school in order to be able to make a living afterwards, no need to work etc. You just close the door behind you in a particular room and then talk to your supernatural father about what you need and then it will be provided as you wish. Sounds too good to be true? Yes because it is. The rest of the world believes religion is a lie and that is why during the Coronavirus pandemic, all houses of worship stay banned until further notice.
Why is Religion Important to society? It is Just Hypocrisy And Deception
Followers of religious beliefs trust pastors, monks, priests, rabbis and imams to provide them with faith-based leadership and act as a conduit between the believers and the supernatural God(s). Are these religious believers actually practicing what they preach? No. It is no secret that catholic bishops have been accused and even faced prosecution for the molestation of alter boys worldwide. The bible says whoever commits homosexual acts should be stoned to death. But these bishops and priests are still allowed to preach the gospel after raping young and innocent alter boys.
“Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.“
Romans 1:26-27

Religion enslaves the mind of the followers in order for them to submit to and benefit those in authority. You will hear things like “blessed is the humble (obey us), blessed is one who gives (make us rich), blessed are the poor (sell your wealth and donate to us), blessed are the meek (live in fear, don’t question us) etc. There is no proof that the religious people have a better life than those who are not religious.
The reason why these religious people do not help in preventing and ultimately controlling the scourge of Coronavirus is because religion is just an art of acting. You want people to believe that you have some magical or miraculous powers that you do not have.
From a pastor claiming to raise the dead in South Africa to a mysterious man in Bomet, Kenya wearing cloths and hairstyle similar to Jesus and claiming to be Jesus, religion is a superstition that in reality, does not work. In real life, is religion important to society? Not really. It is all exaggerated to have magical powers that it does not have.
Religion Provides a Safe Haven for Stupidity
Nothing disappoints like prayer, nothing breaks your heart than thinking that the supernatural power you believe in will protect you but never does! This is a lesson learnt from Tanzanzia president John Pombe Magufuli.
In April 8, 2020, Mr. Magufuli scorned social distancing and encouraged his country to worship God in all houses of worship and indicated that God is in charge and will protect them against Coronavirus. Two weeks later, Tanzania went from having zero Coronavirus cases to more than 480 cases with at least 18 deaths.
What happens? How come God did not protect the Tanzanians as Magufuli has hoped? Well, it is an illusion! The reality is that there is actually no god. What Magufuli was doing is to subscribe to idiocy and mediocrity preached by religion to put all their hopes on an imaginary supernatural being.