If you have been watching Kenyan politics lately, one will wonder where the country is heading to with the utter chaos and disorganization in which the current Jubilee government is operating in. Why exactly is the Kenyan government dysfunctional?
Well, it is because despot Uhuru Kenyatta does not have leadership skills and he is clueless on how to manage a country.

Being a Kenyan citizen, I reserve the right to talk about issues that are affecting my country as the constitution of Kenya gives me freedom of expression rights to speak confidently and without fear or favor about the wrong direction in which the country is heading to.Whether I live under a rock, in the air, underground wherever in the world, nothing will deny the fact that I am a Kenyan citizen. It is a fact that Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta only cares about his own political career and does not give a flying rat whether regular citizens are suffering or not. People should not forget that Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta only became famous because he is the son of Kenya’s founding father Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. The problem with inherited fame when it is used to elect national leaders into office is that it enables the public to think that just because someone comes from a presidential household, then all the people in that family possess leadership skills. This is very wrong as it leads to installing unqualified people into the office of the presidency consequently leading to mismanagement of the country. Below, I highlight the main reasons to as why Uhuru Kenyatta has failed Kenyans in epic proportions.
1. Corruption.
Uhuru Kenyatta’s government has been involved in more graft than all the previous (Jomo, Moi, Kibaki) administrations combined. Why am I saying this? Well, you need to start by asking yourself why all of a sudden, there is a change of narrative when it comes to dealing with the official opposition leader, Mr. Raila Odinga. If you go back three or four years ago, president Uhuru Kenyatta convinced Kenyans that Mr. Odinga was an evil man whose intentions were to destroy the country. Most Kenyans think he did this because at the time he had no use for Raila Odinga. The reason why now he sees Odinga’s usefulness is because Mr. Kenyatta has realized that he is a lame duck president whose political usefulness is declining by day and will eventually wind up in 2022 when he completes his maximum two terms. What Kenyans are not being told is that Uhuru actually bribed Mr. Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka with bags of money for them to join the government. It is very disappointing that while a typical Kenyan household is going to bed hungry and even some boil stones to deceive their children to fall asleep as they have no food to eat, their shameful president is using Ksh. 72 million to bribe Raila Odinga to join the government. President Kenyatta is literary buying votes in advance for 2022.

You don’t need a PhD to see that Mr. Kenyatta’s administration has been riddled with corruption scandals since he took office. The infamous corrupt Secretary of Planning and Devolution Ms. Anne Waiguru (now governor of Kirinyaga County) was never punished for her involvement in the NYS corruption scandal. What does this tell you? That the president provides a safe haven for graft to thrive while promising the Kenyan citizens that his government has zero tolerance to corruption. The gross incompetency under Mr. Kenyatta was also exposed after the discoveries of misappropriation of more than Ksh.5 Billion (yes, that is a “B”!) that was earmarked to provide free maternity care to women across the country. This project’s mismanagement even shocked Uhuru’s wife, Margaret Kenyatta who is the main stalwart of free maternity care in Kenya.
2. The “Big Four Agenda” failures.
Under the Big Four Agenda, Mr. Kenyatta promised the Kenyan people that his Jubilee government will build 500,000 affordable houses by the end of his term in 2022. The other three agendas include 100% Universal Health Care coverage, Food Security and Nutrition and lastly, Enhancing Manufacturing (with a goal of having 9.2% – 20% of GDP by 2022). Despite the fanfare and the hype surrounding Mr. Kenyatta’s legacy projects, the DailyPost.co.ke has learnt that none of the president’s signature project is even at least half way to completion having in mind that Uhuru has already exhausted 3 years out of his 5 year second and ultimately final term in office.

I can confidently say that Mr. Kenyatta will not even come close to completing any of his Big Four Agenda projects by 2022 because whereas in 2017 he assumed this will be his last term in office, since 2018 there has been noticeable interest in him clinging to power past 2022 and this has been so with recent purge of most supporters of the Deputy President and the BBI propaganda. You will think that his full attention will be on the legacy projects but all of his efforts is currently focused in the BBI project with the aim of eventually holding a referendum in order to change the constitution, reinstall the position of a Prime Minister of which he is widely thought to aim at occupying after his term ends in 2022. Just think about it, Uhuru Kenyatta promises Kenyans 100% food security, but only recently was a story of a helpless woman in Mombasa who had to boil stones in order to make her children go to bed hungry as she did not have any food available for them. Now that is food security for you, as per your president’s words! Seriously, what a shame!
3. Insecurity
You will notice that more Kenyans have lost their lives due to terrorism under Uhuru Kenyatta than all the other three previous administrations combined. From the Westgate Attacks to Garissa University to DusitD2 Hotel attacks, Kenyan citizens have lost confidence in the Jubilee government’s ability to keep them safe. Also, there is no secret that Mr. Kenyatta was forced to travel to the Hague to go and answer a case regarding the murder of more than 1,000 Kenyans during the 2007-2008 post election violence. Whether he was actually involved in the skirmishes or not is anyone’s guess.

4. Economic Stagnation.
During the Kibaki administration, Kenya’s economy was firing in all cylinders as the country’s GDP expanded for up to 8% per year. But after Uhuru Kenyatta took over, the economy started declining gradually and ground to a halt in 2019. In March of 2020, Central Bank of Kenya revised the country’s economic projections from 6.2% to 3.4%. This means that the country’s economy was already slowing down even before the first case of Covid-19 was confirmed in the country. Furthermore, in December 2019, Kenya lost a mega economic SGR project to Tanzania. This project was projected to create thousands of jobs to Kenyan youth working on the Kenya-Burundi SGR train project although Uhuru Kenyatta and his entourage mishandled the project hence prompting Burundi to sign up the deal with John Pombe Magufuli’s government in Dodoma, Tanzania. To show you how important this project was, according to a 2015 United Nations Report, Kenya has the highest unemployment rate in the entire East African region. For example, Kenya’s unemployment rate was estimated to be more than double that of neighboring Uganda (see a chart below). This shows how dire the economic conditions in the region’s powerhouse is.